• 10/4 World Taco Day - 5

    From Dave Drum@1:2320/105 to All on Thu Oct 3 16:11:00 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Moose Cheek Tacos
    Categories: Game, Chilies, Breads, Herbs, Citrus
    Yield: 10 Servings

    2 1/2 lb Moose cheeks
    4 cl Garlic
    1 tb Natural peanut butter
    1 Ancho chile; stemmed, seeded
    1 ts Instant espresso
    2 tb Olive oil; + 2 tb more for
    - cooking
    1 tb Honey
    2 ts Ground cumin
    1 ts Smoked sweet paprika
    1 Handful fresh cilantro
    1 ts Salt
    1 c Broth; beef or chicken
    3 Limes
    1 Avocado
    Corn tortillas
    Fresh cilantro

    Clean and trim the cheeks. Put them in a container to
    marinate them.

    Remove the stem and seeds from the ancho, cut it up into
    chunks and rehydrate in a little water (stick it in a
    ramekin and microwave for 30 seconds)

    Peel and chop the garlic. Put everything from the garlic
    to the salt in the food processor (including the water
    from the chile) and blend into a paste. Toss the paste
    with the cheeks and marinate for several hours or better
    yet overnight.

    When it is time to cook, heat the oven to 275oF/135oC,
    and heat 2 tbs olive oil in a dutch oven. Brown the
    cheeks on both sides. Use the broth to rinse the rest
    of the marinade into the dutch oven, then squeeze the
    juice of 3 limes in.

    Bake at 275oF/135oC for 3 1/2 hours - turn the cheeks
    over once or twice while they cook and if the liquid
    dries up add a bit more broth

    When the cheeks are fall-apart tender, take the pan out
    of the oven. Using 2 forks, pull the meat apart in the
    pan so that it mixes in with all of that fatty juicy

    To serve - heat 2 tortillas (you might like to double
    wrap the taco as they are juicy). Fill with cheek meat,
    a slice of avocado, some pickled onions and fresh

    Serve and enjoy!!!

    From: http://www.food52.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


    ... He who bears chives on his breathe is safe from being kissed to death!
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